




How can I grab my local changelist and send it to someone else in Perforce?

+8  A: 
set P4DIFF=C:\cygwin\bin\diff.exe
p4 diff -du -c 12345 > patch-to-head.diff

# On Other machine
patch -p1 < patch-to-head.diff

I may be wrong on the env var there, and you might have to do some fixups on the diff file, but the general idea is that you generate a GNU Unified Diff, that you can send to people that can use GNU patch to apply it.

Paul Betts

Not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but you may also want to consider P4_Shelve. It allows you to put a load of pending changes away on a virtual shelf, and then grab them back again later. Depending on what exactly you want to achieve by sending a changelist to someone else, this could provide a part of the answer.

Linked from the P4Shelve site is P4Tar which may also be useful - this does all the packing on the client side so you just get left with a file you can send to someone else.

Greg Whitfield

P4 now has native support for the shelve operation in 2009.2. Both the client and server need to be at least 2009.2 to use this.


Tim Danner