



I am trying to develop a slideshow with a pause between slides. So I'm trying to use the setTimeout statement as shown below. This is written to swap 2.jpg for 1.jpg with a pause of 10 seconds on clicking the button. But it does now work. Can anyone help me. Thanks.

<script type="text/javascript">
var t;
function swap(newImage) {
  var fileName=newImage.toString()+".jpg"
  <img name="slideshow" src="1.jpg" width="450" height="335" />
  <br /><br />
  <input type="button" onClick="swap('2')" value="Change image" /> 
  <br /><br />

Your swap function requires a parameter, so it won't work with setTimeout.

oh yeah lol :) that would do it actually :)
+2  A: 

There are a couple of things wrong here. First, its passing code to be eval'ed in the first parameter of setTimeout is not recommended. Better pass a callback instead:

 setTimeout(function() { swap(); },10000);
 setTimeout(swap,10000); //Passing the actual function as the callback

Second, you are calling the swap() method without parameters inside the timeout. It should pass in a new image filename (perhaps by declaring an array of filenames), or check whether the parameter is set or not.

function swap(newImage,element) { 
   if(newImage) {
       var fileName = newImage.toString()+".jpg"; 
       element.src = fileName;

This function obviously won't do anything after the first run (since no new image filenames are supplied). Using an array you could iterate over several filenames:

var images = ['1.jpg','2.jpg','3.jpg'];
var slideshow = function(element, images, index) {
   if(!index || ( (index + 1) > images.length) ) index = 0;
   element.src = images[index];
   t = setTimeout(function(){
       slideshow(element, images, index + 1);

//Fetch the image element the slideshow is running on
var element = document.slideshow; 
slideshow(element, images);

This will continue switching between the images in the array until the timeout is canceled.

Eran Galperin
setTimeout can accept a string as the first parameter. that string gets eval()'d so his method would work, if not for forgetting to pass the parameter.
You are right, though it is not recommended. Edited
Eran Galperin

Javascript isn't necessary to do a slideshow. All you have to do is put each image into a separate page, then add this single line to the top of each page in the <head> section:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=NextPage.html"/>

"10" is the number of seconds to wait before going to the next page, and "NextPage.html" is the link to the page containing the next image to display.

Mark Ransom