To pass a path with spaces to .NET console application you should escape it. Probably not escape but surround with double quotes:
myapp.exe --path C:\Program Files\MyApp
becomes new string[] { "--path", "C:\Program", "Files\MyApp" }
myapp.exe --path "C:\Program Files\MyApp"
becomes new string[] { "--path", "C:\Program Files\MyApp" }
and it works fine and you can parse that easily.
I want to extend the set of parameters given with an addition one and start a new process with the resulting set of parameters:
new ProcessStartInfo(
String.Join(" ", Enumerable.Concat(args, new[] { "--flag" })))
This becomes myapp.exe --path C:\Program Files\MyApp --flag
where path drops its escaping.
How to workaround it with common solution? (without searching each parameter's value requiring escaping and quoting it manually)