



I am using ms word 2007 , I would like to convert the word to xsl-fo ,there are some hints in the net but they do so only for renderx.Is there a tool for apache-fop ?

+3  A: 

RenderX has a set of freely available XSLT Stylesheets for converting Microsoft's WordprocessingML documents to XSL FO (XSLFO)

These publicly available stylesheets can be used to convert Microsoft's WordprocessingML documents to XSL FO (XSLFO)

You don't have to use the generated XSL-FO with RenderX. You can run them to produce XSL-FO output and render in any XSL-FO engine (to include Apache FOP).

Antennahouse also has a WordMLToFO Stylesheet, but it is not free ($200)

Mads Hansen

docx4j uses FOP to create pdfs from docx.

The XSLT is in here

It uses extension functions to do the heavy lifing, so it only really works as part of docx4j.

Yes, RenderX have their but the licence is restrictive, and the 20070227 version is directed at Word 2003 WordML (maybe there is a newer one? its been a while since i looked)


If you want DOCX (Word 2007) support you have to decompress the file and merge the individual resources in order to use the stylesheets. And that is half of the problem, because last time I checked there were severe limitations in the stylesheets like handling of styles/themes, continued sections and so on. If you can afford it, a commercial DOCX to PDF engine may be what you need. One important thing to remember is that passing through XSL-FO is really not feasible as XSL-FO doesn't provide support for tabs, tight wrapping of text around images or other Word features.

Peter Stroll