You'll want an autoincrement numeric primary key. For the times when you need to pass ids around or join against other tables (for example, optional attributes for a URL), you'll want something small and numeric.
As for what other columns and indexes you want, it depends, as always, on how you're going to use them.
A column storing a hash of each URL is an excellent idea for almost any application that uses a significant number of URLs. It makes SELECTing a URL by its full text about as fast as it's going to get. A second advantage is that if you make that column UNIQUE, you don't need to worry about making the column storing the actual URL unique, and you can use REPLACE INTO and INSERT IGNORE as simple, fast atomic write operations.
I would add that using MySQL's built-in MD5() function is just fine for this purpose. Its only disadvantage is that a dedicated attacker can force collisions, which I'm quite sure you don't care about. Using the built-in function makes, for example, some types of joins much easier. It can be a tiny bit slower to pass a full URL across the wire ("SELECT url FROM urls WHERE hash=MD5('verylongurl')" instead of "WHERE hash='32charhexstring'"), but you'll have the option to do that if you want. Unless you can come up with a concrete scenario where MD5() will let you down, feel free to use it.
The hard question is whether and how you're going to need to look up URLs in ways other than their full text: for example, will you want to find all URLs starting with "/foo" on any "" host? While "LIKE ''" will work in testing, it will fail miserably at scale. If your needs include things like that, you can come up with creative ways to generate non-UNIQUE indexes targeted at the type of data you need... maybe a domain_name column, for starters. You'll have to populate those columns from your application, almost certainly (triggers and stored procedures are a lot more trouble than they're worth here, especially if you're concerned about performance -- don't bother).
The good news is that relational databases are very flexible for that sort of thing. You can always add new columns and populate them later. I would suggest for starters: int unsigned auto_increment primary key, unique hash char(32), and (assuming 64K chars suffices) text url.