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Good Examples of .NET Desktop Applications

I have been wondering (inspired by this question) if there are any popular dotNET desktop applications out there. (It doesn't have to be as popular as MS Office which is written in C++ AFAIK, but you get the idea.)

Just to get an idea - compare it to Java: Most of it's popular development IDEs are written in Java and I know at least Oracle's SQLdeveloper tool that is also a Java IDE.

So, which applications used by common people or common developers are written in .NET?

+8  A: 

Paint.NET is a fantastic image editing program made in C# by one guy which I find easier to use and faster than other software like Photoshop and GIMP.

Also, I use the .NET Reflector all the time to look at how my applications are compiled into IL or to decompile other applications to see how they work.

Callum Rogers
Paint.NET is a must on all of my PC's.
+4  A: 

The UI of Microsoft Visual Studio was coded in WPF, which is part of the .Net framework.

Jouke van der Maas
You definitely meant Visual Studio 2010.
+1  A: 

One that come me to mind is SharpDevelop, a free IDE for C#, VB.NET and Boo projects

Andrea Parodi
+1  A: 

Visual Studio 2010 is written in dotNet (or more specific in WPF).

+2  A: 

I'd say that most .NET apps are business apps that most of the world will never see. We've written an entire ERP in .NET - the public at large will never see it.

I think this is due to the .NET culture: it's a costly environment and not open source, so hobbyists and opensource devs choose something else.

Matt Jacobsen
I agree with the first point, but I understand the EULA for VS2010 Express is liberal enough to make commercial and freeware apps.
Henk Holterman
@Henk that's correct. You can write and sell apps written using the Express versions. There is nothing costly about the .NET environment, something I'd think someone who wrote a business app using it would know. Also, as far as OSS goes, the .NET platform has more open source code in it than anything else Microsoft has put out. Just search MSPL. If you write open source software for the Windows platform, you should definitely consider the .NET platform as a viable option.
@will: I don't care about reading the licensing agreement of the Express version since my company has a full blown Ultimate Extra Super WeReallyMeanIt msdn subscription. You're right, Microsoft is really pushing for open source on .NET, but they were very cold about it for years
Matt Jacobsen