



Is there any limitations to the WPF Document.Paragraph object when using the FlowDocument control?

I have the FlowDocument turning blank when I add a Paragraph that is more than 450 lines to the Paragraph. I could not locate anything within the MSDN documentation regarding max. lengths etc.

Any ideas why this would happen?


I made a quick test and added 10000 Runs to a Paragraph, and the FlowDocument seemed to display them fine (although it took a bit to calculate the number of pages):

Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    p.Inlines.Add(new Run(String.Format("({0}) Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow! ", i)));
wnd.Content = new FlowDocument(p);

Is there something peculiar about the lines you're adding to the Paragraph?

Robert Macnee

The issue is fixed when IsOptimalParagraphEnabled is set as False. Then the content will be displayed.

Seems this property causes issues with large paragraphs.
