



Update: I've found a workaround. If I submit a dummy form field along with the file, it works. Is this a ColdFusion bug, or is there something in the HTTP spec that says forms must contain at least one non-file form field?

Update 2: I'm convinced this is a ColdFusion cfhttp bug. This is based on Leigh's answer and the fact that I used the code below to submit a form with only the file element using javascript, and it works fine:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<cfoutput>#CGI.PATH_INFO#</cfoutput>" method="POST" name="theForm">
  <input name="theFile" type="file" /><br/>
<a href="#" onclick="document.theForm.submit()">submit</a>

I'm running into a problem uploading files from a ColdFusion server to another webserver. It seems that cfhttpparam type="file" is indiscriminately appending a newline (carriage return and line feed) to the end of the file. This is breaking binary files. This does not happen when I manually upload the file via form field. I have tried with and without mimetype parameter, and I've tried lying about mimetype with various binary formats (exe, zip, jpg), but nothing has worked. Is there some parameter I'm missing, or is this a bug in ColdFusion? (I'm running on CF on WinXP.)

Below is test code I'm using, it just uploads the file to the same directory. The manual upload works, but the server-based upload ends up appending a CRLF to the file.

<cfset MyDir = "C:\test" />
<cfset MyFile = "" />

<cfif IsDefined("Form.TheFile")>
  <cffile action="upload" fileField="theFile" destination="#MyDir#" nameConflict="MakeUnique" />
  <cfhttp url="http://#CGI.SERVER_NAME##CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#" method="POST" throwOnError="Yes">
    <cfhttpparam type="file" name="theFile" file="#MyDir#\#MyFile#" />

<h2>Manual upload</h2>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<cfoutput>#CGI.PATH_INFO#</cfoutput>" method="POST">
  <input name="theFile" type="file" /><br/>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
+1  A: 

Maybe Railo 3.1.2 and ColdFusion 9 handle this a bit differently, but your code looks a bit incorrect for me.

Your CGI.PATH_INFO is not applicable here.

While browser is smart enough to use path without hostname, CFHTTP feels better with full hostname + script path + script name. Note: cgi.SCRIPT_NAME worked in CF9, Railo required cgi.SERVER_NAME to be prepended, though I feel this more correct in general.

That's why a bit modified version of the code works fine for me. Zip file is uploaded and posted without being corrupted.


<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<cfoutput>#cgi.SCRIPT_NAME#</cfoutput>" method="POST">
  <input name="theFile" type="file" /><br/>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />


  <cfhttp url="#cgi.SERVER_NAME##cgi.SCRIPT_NAME#" method="POST" throwOnError="Yes">
    <cfhttpparam type="file" name="theFile" file="#MyDir#/#MyFile#" />

Hope this helps.

@Sergii - I will have try it with Railo. But when I tested the original code, I used hard coded paths and full url's and still got the same corrupted results. According to Fiddler, the raw content from ACF cfhttp does contain an extra 2 bytes (new line). As soon as you add a dummy field _after_ the file, the extra bytes in the raw content go away.
sorry, this was an error on my part during anonymizing. in my local script i just have the URL hard-coded.
still fails with `#cgi.SERVER_NAME##cgi.SCRIPT_NAME#`. I've also tried using javascript to submit a form containing only the file element and it works just fine (see my edit). So i'm pretty sure it's a bug in cfhttp.
+3  A: 

or is there something in the HTTP spec that says forms must contain at least one non-file form field?

I do not know for certain. But according to these definitions it seems like a POST containing only a file input should be valid. So I suspect the problem may be CFHTTP in ACF.

According to Fiddler the raw content from the cfhttp call in ACF contains an extra new line just before the end boundary (0D 0A in hex view). But under Railo it does not. So I think ACF's cfhttp might be the culprit.

Sample Code:

<cfhttp url="" method="post">
    <cfhttpparam name="myFile" type="file" file="c:/test/" mimetype="application/octet-stream" />

Results Railo 3.1.2

POST /railo/receive.cfm HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Railo (CFML Engine)
Content-Length: 382
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=m_l7PD5xIydR_hQpo8fDxL0Hb7vu_F8DSzwn

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="myFile"; filename=""
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

&�1=�cN' testFile.txtPK:1

Results ACF (versions 8 and 9)

POST /cfusion/receive.cfm HTTP/1.1
... other headers removed for brevity ....
Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=-----------------------------7d0d117230764
Content-length: 350

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="JobFile"; filename="c:\test\"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

&�1=�cN' testFile.txtPK:1

thanks. fwiw, i've submitted a bug report to adobe
@Kip - Okay, good. I was going to ask about that. I remember seeing this issue about 2 years ago, and got as far as figuring out there was an extra 2 bytes being added to all files. But never got around to figuring out why. So thanks for prompting me to solve the nagging mystery ;)
@Kip - BTW: What is the bug number? I did not see anything in the public bug db.
@Leigh where is the public bug db? I found this page: and I just got a message saying something to the effect of "thanks for submitting your bug. we appreciate your feedback but we cannot reply to every request that is sent in."
@Kip - The public bug database is here . You might want to list it under CF9.0, because it is still an issue in that version.
@Leigh: thanks, I've reported it there too: