This function generates simple .dot files for visualizing automata transition functions using Graphviz. It's primary purpose is debugging large sets of automatically generated transitions (e.g., the inflections of Latin verbs).
prepGraph :: ( ... ) => NFA c b a -> [String]
prepGraph nfa = "digraph finite_state_machine {"
: wrapSp "rankdir = LR"
: wrapSp ("node [shape = circle]" ++ (mapSp (states nfa \\ terminal nfa)))
: wrapSp ("node [shape = doublecircle]" ++ (mapSp $ terminal nfa))
: formatGraph nfa ++ ["}"]
formatGraph :: ( ... ) => NFA c b a -> [String]
formatGraph = map formatDelta . deltaTuples
where formatDelta (a, a', bc) = wrapSp (mkArrow a a' ++ " " ++ mkLabel bc)
mkArrow x y = show x ++ " -> " ++ show y
mkLabel (y, z) = case z of
(Just t) -> "[ label = \"(" ++ show y ++ ", " ++ show t ++ ")\" ]"
Nothing -> "[ label = \"(" ++ show y ++ ", " ++ "Null" ++ ")\" ]"
where wrap
, wrapSp
and mapSp
are formatting functions, as is deltaTuples
The problem is that formatGraph
retains double quotes around Strings, which causes errors in Graphviz. E.g., when I print unlines $ prepGraph
to a file, I get things like:
0 -> 1 [ label = "('a', "N. SF")" ];
instead of
0 -> 1 [ label = "('a', N. SF)" ];
(However, "Null" seems to work fine, and outputs perfectly well). Now of course the string "N. SF" isn't the actual form I use to store inflections, but that form does include a String or two. So how can I tell Haskell: when you show
a String values, don't double-quote it?