



I have a serious problem: I have an array with several UIImage objects. What I now want to do, is create movie from those images. But I don't have any idea how to do so.

I hope someone can help me or send me a code snippet which does something like I want.



Well this is a bit hard to be implemented in pure Objective-C....If you are developing for jailbroken devices , a good idea is to use the command-line tool ffmpeg from inside your app. it's quite easy to create a movie from images with a command like:

ffmpeg -r 10 -b 1800 -i %03d.jpg test1800.mp4

Note that the images have to be named sequentially , and also be placed in the same directory. For more information take a look at:

Thanks for your comment. I already had an eye on ffmpeg, but I can't use for some reasons: First of all I want to make a app which should be sold using the Apple App Store, so no way to use the command version of ffmpeg. The next reasion why I didn't had a further look on ffmpeg was the license. If I want to use ffmpeg within my application, I will have to release the source code of my app. That's a thing I don't want to do.
+2  A: 

Take a look at AVAssetWriter and the rest of the AVFoundation framework. The writer has an input of type AVAssetWriterInput, which in turn has a method called appendSampleBuffer: that lets you add individual frames to a video stream. Essentially you’ll have to:

1) Wire the writer:

NSError *error = nil;
AVAssetWriter *videoWriter = [[AVAssetWriter alloc] initWithURL:
    [NSURL fileURLWithPath:somePath] fileType:AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie

NSDictionary *videoSettings = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
    AVVideoCodecH264, AVVideoCodecKey,
    [NSNumber numberWithInt:640], AVVideoWidthKey,
    [NSNumber numberWithInt:480], AVVideoHeightKey,
AVAssetWriterInput* writerInput = [[AVAssetWriterInput
    outputSettings:videoSettings] retain];

NSParameterAssert([videoWriter canAddInput:writerInput]);
[videoWriter addInput:writerInput];

2) Start a session:

[videoWriter startWriting];
[videoWriter startSessionAtSourceTime:…]

3) Write some samples:

// Or you can use AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor.
// That lets you feed the writer input data from a CVPixelBuffer
// that’s quite easy to create from a CGImage.
[writerInput appendSampleBuffer:sampleBuffer];

4) Finish the session:

[writerInput markAsFinished];
[videoWriter endSessionAtSourceTime:…];
[videoWriter finishWriting];

You’ll still have to fill-in a lot of blanks, but I think that the only really hard remaining part is getting a pixel buffer from a CGImage:

- (CVPixelBufferRef) pixelBufferFromCGImage: (CGImageRef) image
    NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
        [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], kCVPixelBufferCGImageCompatibilityKey,
        [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], kCVPixelBufferCGBitmapContextCompatibilityKey,
    CVPixelBufferRef pxbuffer = NULL;
    CVReturn status = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, frameSize.width,
        frameSize.height, kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB, (CFDictionaryRef) options, 
    NSParameterAssert(status == kCVReturnSuccess && pxbuffer != NULL);

    CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pxbuffer, 0);
    void *pxdata = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pxbuffer);
    NSParameterAssert(pxdata != NULL);

    CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
    CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(pxdata, frameSize.width,
        frameSize.height, 8, 4*frameSize.width, rgbColorSpace, 
    CGContextConcatCTM(context, frameTransform);
    CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, CGImageGetWidth(image), 
        CGImageGetHeight(image)), image);

    CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pxbuffer, 0);

    return pxbuffer;

frameSize is a CGSize describing your target frame size and frameTransform is a CGAffineTransform that lets you transform the images when you draw them into frames.

Wow! Great! Thank you so much! This was exactly the hint i needed. For some reasion I didn't find anything in the Web or the Apple documentation, directing me in the correct direction... Perhaps it's because the AV Foundation is totally new since iOS 4... Thank you!
Ok, I just don't get it. I want to write a UIImage object to the AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor, but I don't know how to convert the image to the apropiate format. Can you help me again, please?
Though this does work, drawing into a `CGImage` only to draw that into a `CGBitmapContext` backed by `CVPixelBuffer` is wasteful. Similarly, instead of creating a `CVPixelBuffer` each time, `AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor`'s `pixelBufferPool` should be used to recycle buffers.