I've just started learning C and I'm having some problems with some code I want to write.
Basically I have this struct that is a bit array, with the number of bits in the array, and a pointer to a buffer of chars, that stores the bits.
My strategy for rotating the bit array is simply taking the number of rotations (mod the length to avoid full rotations) and using a simple reversal algorithm to rotate the array.
However, my problem is that I want to rotate the bits in the actual buffer.
I also want to be able to rotate a subsequence of bits within the entire bit array. So for 1101101, I might want to rotate (0-indexed from the left) the subsequence starting at index 2 and ending at index 5. I'm not entirely sure how to use my char buffer to do this.
Thanks for the help!
struct arrayBits{
size_t numBits;
char *buf;
The buf array holds 8-bit integers, not bools as I previously mentioned.
The way that I can access and set an individual bit is just by indexing into the byte that holds the bit I want (so for an array ab, ab->buf[index_of_desired_bit/8] and then performing some bitwise operations on it to change the value, for performance reasons.
EDIT: Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions. I've looked at all of them and I believe I understand the code better. Here's the code I ended up writing, however, I think there are some problems with it.
While it passes some of my basic test cases, it seems to run a little too fast on an bitarray of size 98775 bits, randomly filled. By this I mean, is there some case in which my code just outright fails and crashes? The test cases do three rotations, in a row, on the full 98775-bit array. One rotation of -98775/4 (<--this is a size_t, so wrap around?), one rotation of 98775/4, and then a final rotation of 98775/2.
Is there something I'm missing or some problem I'm not seeing?
/*Reverse a bit array*/
/*v1.1: basic bit reversal w/o temp variable*/
static void arrayReversal(bitarray_t *ba, size_t begin, size_t end){
while(begin < end)
bitarray_set(ba, begin, (bitarray_get(ba, begin) ^ bitarray_get(ba, end))); /*x = x ^ y*/
bitarray_set(ba, end, (bitarray_get(ba, begin) ^ bitarray_get(ba, end))); /*y = x ^ y*/
bitarray_set(ba, begin, (bitarray_get(ba, begin) ^ bitarray_get(ba, end))); /*x = x ^ y*/
/*Main Rotation Routine*/
void bitarray_rotate(bitarray_t *ba, size_t bit_off, size_t bit_len, ssize_t bit_right_amount) {
assert(bit_off + bit_len <= ba->bit_sz);
assert(bit_off + bit_len > 0);
if(bit_off + bit_len > ba->bit_sz || bit_off + bit_len < 0)
printf("\nError: Indices out of bounds\n");
/*Find index to split bitarray on*/
if(bit_len == 0) return; //Rotate only 1 bit i.e. no rotation
size_t reversal_index;
reversal_index = modulo(-bit_right_amount, bit_len);
if(reversal_index == 0) return; //No rotation to do
/*3 bit string reversals*/
assert(reversal_index - 1 + bit_off < ba->bit_sz);
/* Reverse A*/
arrayReversal(ba, bit_off, reversal_index - 1 + bit_off);
assert(reversal_index + bit_off < ba->bit_sz);
/*Reverse B*/
arrayReversal(ba, reversal_index + bit_off, (bit_off + bit_len - 1));
/*Reverse ArBr*/
arrayReversal(ba, bit_off, (bit_off + bit_len -1));