



Hi I have a web application running most of my services through web services.
first i want to know how much degradation in performance would take place using AOP in web context for example if i can handle 200 request/second without AOP, what would be the result with it (having simple logging and authorization)

Is there any great AOP framework available out there for .NET ?
Is it a better idea to use Proxy web services (implementing authorization, logging , ... in proxy) for gaining the better performance or the overhead of using AOP is negligible and its advantages worth performance degradation.

WHATS the best replacement for AOP in .net framework ?

+1  A: 

The best AOP framework I know of for .Net is PostSharp. It's really slick, easy to use, and it doesn't affect run-time performace in any way bad, since all weaving takes place at compile time (compile times will grow a bit due to this, but it's definitly manageble). The only thing that happens is that your aspects get weaved in as methods, so performance-wise there's no difference between writing your logging code the classical way, to putting them in aspects when using PostSharp.

Find it over at the SharpCrafters website.

you say that with PostSharp i can get the same performance when writing in classical way ? any benchmark ?