I have two tables: Companies and Employees.
I also have a relation table Employs which contains the foreign keys company_id, employee_id as a composite primary key. Note: employees can work at multiple companies.
I would like to have another table EmployeeSchedules which simply contains schedules (company_id:integer,employee_id:integer,start_time:datetime, end_time:datetime) for employees working at a company. This will end up being displayed in a calendar widget of some sort.
However, with this design I would have to verify at the application level that the employee actually works at the company before adding a schedule.
I was wondering if there would be a better way to represent this at the database level or just stick with verifying at the application level? For example, if there was a way to link the EmployeeSchedules pkey (company_id,employee_id) with the Employs pkey (company_id, employee_id). Any other design recommendations are welcome!