



This question was asked before at :

However it was not answered then. Anyone got any clues how to get it done. I have looked at the apis and the documentation but couldn't find an easy way to do do.

Currently it is easy to do it through a file on disk, because MediaSource needs that. But what if my file is stored as a blob in the datastore ? how would I do it then ?

One way to do it is to handcraft the atom and post it. Is that it ? That would be very tedious! Is there no api which takes a data buffer, instead of a file. Looking at the source it seems the GDataService.Post() might be a good candidate, but how do I create the data ? Any clues ? Any help will be really appreciated.

thanks, Mo


I think you'll find a good example of this functionality here.

Doug Carter
Thanks Doug. However that article only explains how to use AuthSub with GAE. It does not address my questions.