



I have a view that returns data like the following:

1 | Abita | NULL |
2 | Abita | Abbey Ale |

I am using WCF REST to get the xml representation of this view, via an entity framework object. When viewing the returned data as xml in a browser, the first row shows data as I expect:

    <vw_Url z:Id="i1" xmlns:z=""&gt;
- <EntityKey z:Id="i2" xmlns="" xmlns:a=""&gt;
- <a:EntityKeyValues>
- <a:EntityKeyMember>
  <a:Value i:type="b:string" xmlns:b=""&gt;Abita&lt;/a:Value&gt; 
  <Beer i:nil="true" /> 

However, the second row doesn't appear to deserialize the row/object correctly, as it doesn't contain the data from row two.

<vw_Url z:Ref="i1" xmlns:z="" /> 

Any idea why this might be?

UPDATE: I've tracked this down to being caused by a UNION within the view. The rows are unioned together from two different tables, and for some reason, EF is treating the second as a reference to the first. Perhaps this is an EF bug? Any ideas for a workaround?

Sounds like this may be an EF bug/limitation in EF 1.0. However, I am using EF 4.0 and it still seems to be an issue. Sigh...