I am using Solr-php-client to communicate with solr via php.
I search solr by using this php-client and amongst other information I get from Solr, the total results are returned to a variable in php:
$results = $solr->search($querystring, $start_offset, $limit, $solr_params);
$num_total = (int) $results->response->numFound;
My problem is that when I add a document to Solr WITHOUT committing it, the $num_total is increased anyways. So this means either of two things, or both:
1- Solr autoCommit doesn't work
2- The solr-php-client returnes nr of documents instead of nr of committed documents.
I might have missed something simple here, so I would appreciate any help.
Anyways, here is what I have done with the solrconfig.xml:
The number "3" is only for testing purposes, but didn't work as mentioned above.
Is there any other settings I should think of besides this above when using autoCommit?
I have restarted jetty (my container) and solr after changing the solrconfig.xml file also.
If you need more input just let me know...