



Hi There,

I use jQuery UI Tabs. Tabs in the dialog with the windows opened, but the UI plug-in does not work properly.

The tabs need to be side by side. Unfortunately we could not get the result.

<div id="tabs">
<li><a href="#tabs-1">tab 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-1">tab 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-1">tab 3</a></li>
<div id="tabs-1"></div>

You have to call tabs() to initialize the widget:


If you have done that, then the only thing I can think of is there is problem with putting widgets in other widgets.

Tabs giving permission. However, in the tabs dialog is not working:) the UI does not work in Dialog.
Halid Altuner
Javascript source:
Halid Altuner
Html source:
Halid Altuner
Preview Image:
Halid Altuner
Have you tried initializing the tabs first and then the dialog?
Yes, i tried. However, it did not work. Already before the tabs, then the dialog.
Halid Altuner

Your code as you've posted in comments works, you can test it here. It seems most likely that you're having a CSS issue, check the following things:

  • If you upgraded jQuery UI, make sure you updated the CSS, it changes each release as well
  • If you have additional CSS, see which style rule is interfering with an inspector like Firebug or Chrome, some additional selector match may be applying some unwanted styling here.
Nick Craver
jQuery UI is up to date. But, must CSS element style changing.
Halid Altuner

I also think it's a CSS issue, you are starting a second div ID without closing the first one. Did you mean to nest both tab groups? If so the other thing that can make them not stay in a line side by side, is if their container div is not large enough or has padding interfering with the tabs.

Ramona Maxwell