So i am given this
intCMP :: Int -> Int -> Ordering
intCMP a b | a == b = EQ
| a < b = LT
| otherwise = GT
intCMPRev :: Int -> Int -> Ordering
intCMPRev a b | a == b = EQ
| a < b = GT
| otherwise = LT
floatCMP :: Float -> Float -> Ordering
floatCMP a b | a == b = EQ
| a < b = LT
| otherwise = GT
I need to write this function
sort3 :: Ord a => (a -> a-> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
sort3 cmp xs =
Which will sort 3 or less elements by comparison. No recursion. I was wondering how this works as far as passing say intCMP. Why would you pass that into the sort function? Does it serve a purpose when sorting and returning the sorted list? I'm not really sure how to do the comparisons manually like that without any sort of recursive call, so I'm just trying to understand it better.
I was thinking of doing 3 comparisons and then moving the element to a certain position in the list, but i really don't know how i could even do this in haskell. Any clues on how to start this would be great. Maybe some sort of pattern?