In Java, one can save an object (of any type) to a file and load an object from a file. Can we do this in Delphi?
If you ask "Can we do this in Delphi?" - the answer is: yes. I guess you want to know, HOW this can be done in Delphi? Well this depends on what do you want to serialize:
If you want to serialize
- your own data objects, then you could write your own saveTo/loadFrom functions
- components, then you could use the built-in component streaming system
- any unknown object, then you need some RTTI techniques and the objects must publish their serializable properties
The first article linked to by Andre seems (maybe I skimmed to fast) to use the "old" pre-D2010 style RTTI (Run-Time Type Information), which is dependent on properties having published visibility in order to be able to enumerate them.
As of D2010 Delphi has a completely new extended RTTI (built on top of the old one) which does not require published visibility and does a lot more than enumerate properties. DeHL, as described in the second article linked to be Andre, does use the new RTTI, and if you are looking for a library, I would also recommend this library.
If you prefer to build your own, you could have a look at an article on XML-serialization using the new RTTI by Robert Love:
Robert Love also has a nice overview of RTTI articles:
And for some more ideas on what can be done with the new style RTTI, have a look at and