




I would like to be able to refactor out the OrderBy clause in a linq expression.

Here is an example of a refactor of the where clause


results = ctx.ActiveUsers
    .Where(u => u.CompanyID != 1 &&
           || u.Email.ToLower().Contains(searchString)
           || u.Company.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchString)))
    .OrderBy(u =>  u.LastName ).ThenBy(u => u.FirstName)
    .Select(u => new Employee {
      ID = u.ID
      , FirstName = u.FirstName
      , LastName = u.LastName
      , Email = u.Email
      , CompanyName = u.Company.Name
      , CompanyID = u.CompanyID.ToString() });


results = ctx.ActiveUsers
    .OrderBy(u =>  u.LastName ).ThenBy(u => u.FirstName)
    .Select(u => new Employee {
      ID = u.ID
      , FirstName = u.FirstName
      , LastName = u.LastName
      , Email = u.Email
      , CompanyName = u.Company.Name
      , CompanyID = u.CompanyID.ToString() });

private static Expression<Func<User, bool>> GetExpression(string searchString)
    Expression<Func<User, bool>> p = (u => u.CompanyID != 1 &&
                       || u.Email.ToLower().Contains(searchString)
                       || u.Company.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchString)));
    return p;

I was wondering if the same type of thing would be possible except I would like to refactor the Orderby expression.

Thank you in advance

+1  A: 

Assuming you want to actually take a string such as "LastName", "FirstName" etc, I'd do something like:

var unordered = ctx.ActiveUsers
                   .Select(u => new Employee {
                       ID = u.ID,
                       FirstName = u.FirstName,
                       LastName = u.LastName,
                       Email = u.Email,
                       CompanyName = u.Company.Name,
                       CompanyID = u.CompanyID.ToString() });

and add a new OrderBy extension method:

public static class UserQueryableExtensions
    public static IOrderedQueryable<User> OrderBy(this IQueryable<User> source,
                                                  string ordering)
        switch (ordering)
            case "LastName":
                return source.OrderBy(x => x.LastName);
            case "FirstName":
                return source.OrderBy(x => x.FirstName);
            case "Email":
                return source.OrderBy(x => x.Email);
            case "Company":
                return source.OrderBy(x => x.Company);
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown ordering");

You certainly could do this using reflection, but unless you have a significant set of properties (or you want to use the same routine for different entity types) a switch statement is easier.

Jon Skeet

I'd agree with Jon on using lambdas where possible to avoid typos etc. However, if you genuinely can't do this (for whatever reason), I've looked at fully-dynamic OrderBy in the past. See here for an example tested on LINQ-to-SQL (but it should be OK with EF in theory).

Marc Gravell

thanks jon,

that answer put me on the right path for now... However, I need to preserve the ThenBy clause in my order. so while the solution below is not dynamic it still preserves the ThenBy

var unordered = ctx.ActiveUsers
                   .Select(u => new Employee {
                       ID = u.ID,
                       FirstName = u.FirstName,
                       LastName = u.LastName,
                       Email = u.Email,
                       CompanyName = u.Company.Name,
                       CompanyID = u.CompanyID.ToString() });

public static class UserQueryableExtensions
    public static IOrderedQueryable<User> MyOrder(this IQueryable<User> source )
        return source.OrderBy(x => x.LastName).ThenBy(x => x.FirstName).ThenBy(x => x.Email);