



Could anyone provide an example how to create a structure instance at runtime? The structure I'm using doesn't define any constructors, just fields. The GetConstructor() method returns null, and so far I was unable to find a way to achieve this.

+5  A: 

Just use Activator.CreateInstance(Type).

Most structs don't actually have a parameterless constructor - there's a different form of IL used (the initobj instruction IIRC).

On the other hand, if a struct doesn't have any constructors, that suggests it's either not very useful or it's mutable - and mutable structs can cause all kinds of problems. If you're in control of the structure code yourself, I'd suggest giving it a constructor and making it immutable. There are probably cases where mutable structs are a necessary evil (particularly around interop) but they're worth avoiding if at all possible.

Jon Skeet
Thanks. I've heard about mutable structs sometimes creating confusion, but never knew exactly when and why such problems occur. Guess its time to find out.
@L.E.O.: It's things like fetching a value, then changing a field within that value, and it not being reflected in the original place you fetched it from. All kinds of weird effects, basically.
Jon Skeet
+5  A: 

Have you tried using

Object o = Activator.CreateInstance(Type t);

or some other of it overloads?
