




I have my first GWT project that I created using UiBinder (GWT 2.0 way) which I found to be easier than write my UI creation Java source code (GWT 1.0 way).

But I saw this thing called GWT Designer that Google are realeasing for free. It have a nice features and wizards, which was missing with standart Google Eclipse Plugin. I like it, but I still think that using UiBinder is better. I think GWT Designer will be realy usefull when it can help you write UiBinder XML files (GWT 2.0 way), and not just source code (GWT 1.0 way).

What do you think about it? Do I need to migrate to GWT Designer project? Will it be better if migrate but still keep UiBinder UI creation?

+2  A: 

I haven't used the newly-freed GWT Designer yet myself, but I wouldn't expect that it would warrant migrating your entire project over to it if it's already written using UIBinder.

Remember that the two methods of constructing a UI are not mutually exclusive -- you can use the GWT Designer to create a new widget and use it in an existing UIBinder project, and if you decide it's that much better, you can consider migrating at that point. Or not, since they can still happily coexist.

Jason Hall
+3  A: 

UiBinder can give you better performance and a better optimized download than traditional widget construction; to me that's enough of a reason to stick with UiBinder. If your app is light and fast enough as it is, though, then the choice probably comes down to what style of development suits you best.

I wouldn't go as far as to port your existing UiBinder templates into the designer, though. Google will be adding support for them to GWT designer soon enough.

+1  A: 

As said in the relaunch announcement:

Now that these products are available again, we hope you’ll start using them within your GWT projects. Meanwhile, our next step is to more deeply unify them into the GWT family of tools by blending the fantastic Instantiations technology into the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE). So, there’s much more to come, including things we’re pretty sure you’ll like, such as UiBinder support in GWT Designer.

It wouldn't make sense to get ride of your UiBinder code since GWT Designer will support it soon.

Arthur Kalmenson