



Hi, i tried to understand what "Non-commercial" means (i am not an American) i have an icon- for example: its license is: "Freeware Non-commercial" does this means that i cant: use it in my software and than sell my software? use it in my software and than provide my software for free?

Thanks in advanced, Din

+1  A: 

It means if you want to use it in a commercial application, they'd like you to pay for it. If you're using it in personal software or freeware, you don't have to pay (although attribution may be requested if you're distributing the app). If they haven't linked to an actual license, then I'd say it's open to a bit of (unnecessary) interpretation...

+1  A: 

It means exactly what you understood.

You can use it in a free product but you can't profit from it (for example selling software that includes that icon). Usually, you have to pay a fee for that.

+2  A: 

A commercial work would be anything you expect to gain money from, either directly or indirectly.

By indirectly, I mean that giving away your application but including advertisements should still fall under the realm of a commercial application.
