





here is a link to a small python app:


I think I've correctly converted it. (Source at bottom of post)

But, the Math.Acos always returns NaN. Is there a difference between the python version of acos and Math.Acos?

    private Random rnd = new Random();
    private double scale = 5;
    private double radius = 10;
    private double beta1 = 1.1;
    private double beta2 = 0.9;
    private double theta1;
    private double theta2;

    private Point[] points = new Point[10];

    public MainWindow()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
            points[i] = new Point((rnd.NextDouble() * scale), 
                (rnd.NextDouble() * scale));

        theta1 = Math.Asin(1/beta1);
        theta2 = Math.PI - Math.Asin(beta2);

    private double Dot(Point p, Point q, Point r)
        var pr = new Point();
        var qr = new Point();

        pr.X = p.X-r.X;

        pr.Y = p.Y-r.Y;

        qr.X = q.X-r.X;

        qr.Y = q.Y-r.Y;

        return (pr.X*qr.X) + (pr.Y*qr.Y);

private double Sharp(Point p,Point q)
    double theta = 0;

    foreach(var pnt in points)
        if(pnt!=p && pnt!=q)
            var dotpq = Dot(p, q, pnt);
            double t = Math.Acos(dotpq);
            double u = Math.Pow((dotpq * dotpq), 0.5);

            var tempVal = t/u;

            theta = Math.Max(theta, tempVal);
    return theta;


    private void DrawPoint(Point p)
        var e = new Ellipse
                        Width = radius/2,
                        Height = radius/2,
                        Stroke = Brushes.Red,
                        Visibility = Visibility.Visible

        Canvas.SetTop(e, p.Y + radius);
        Canvas.SetLeft(e, p.X + radius);


    private void DrawEdge1(Point p,Point q)
        var l = new Line
                        X1 = p.X,
                        Y1 = p.Y,
                        X2 = q.X,
                        Y2 = q.Y,
                        Stroke = Brushes.Black,
                        Width = 1,
                        Visibility = Visibility.Visible


    private void DrawEdge2(Point p,Point q)
        var l = new Line
                        X1 = p.X,
                        Y1 = p.Y,
                        X2 = q.X,
                        Y2 = q.Y,
                        Stroke = Brushes.Blue,
                        Width = 1,
                        Visibility = Visibility.Visible


    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        foreach (var p in points)
            foreach (var q in points)
                var theta = Sharp(p, q);

                if(theta < theta1) DrawEdge1(p, q);
                else if(theta < theta2) DrawEdge2(p, q);


The question really is what is the value of dotpq when the function gets called. It has to be a double value between -1 and 1 as stated in the docs.

I downloaded Python 2.7 and ran the app. I added: print(dot(p,q,r)) right above the call to acos. And yes, the python app handles numbers greater than 1 and less than -1 because the output from Dot ranges from less than 10 to greater than 20, from what I saw. So the question is now, how to do I get C# to behave like Python in this case?
+1  A: 

I think it's due to your translation of the Python expression (dot(p,q,r) / (dot(p,p,r) * dot(q,q,r)) **0.5). Exponentiation in Python has one of the lowest operators precedency-wise, so the square-root is being taken of the subterm dot(p,q,r) / (dot(p,p,r) * dot(q,q,r)). In your C# version, when calculating the value of the double 'u', you're only taking the square-root of the product of the last two terms, i.e. the (dotpq * dotpq).

But the **0.5 comes after (ppr * qqr), so surely it would only be applied to that? And thinking logically about what his program is doing, applying to only ppr * qqr makes the most sense.
No, without additional parentheses to override it, the Python expression is evaluated in this order `(A / (B * C)) ** 0.5`. See the [Summary](http://docs.python.org/reference/expressions.html#summary) in the online Python documentation which shows that operator '/' has higher precedence than operator '**'.
+3  A: 

What you need to do to get the angle from the dot product is to take away the lengths before you acos.

What python has:

prq = acos(dot(p,q,r) / (dot(p,p,r)*dot(q,q,r))**0.5)

What you're doing is not dividing in the Acos, but dividing after.


int r = pnt;
int ppr = Dot(p,p,r);
int qqr = Dot(q,q,r);
int pqr = Dot(p,q,r);

double u = Math.Acos(pqr / Math.Sqrt(ppr * qqr));

Of course change the variables, I was just trying to keep it similar to the python to help you understand :)

I am soooo stupid - stupid - stupid. Thank you Very much!
@Saunderl ~ Not stupid. We all have to learn these things. Glad you got it sorted.