Hello. Does anyone know what would be more efficient and use less resources:
Method 1-- Using a single SELECT statement to get data from one table and then iterating through it to execute multiple UPDATEs on another table. E.G. (pseudo-code, execute() runs query):
Query1_resultset = execute("SELECT item_id, sum(views) as view_count FROM tableA WHERE condition=1");
while(Query1_resultset as row) {
execute("UPDATE tableB SET view_count=row.view_count WHERE id=row.item_id");
Method 2-- Use a single INSERT.. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement with a nested SELECT statement. E.G.:
INSERT INTO tableB (id, view_count) SELECT item_id, SUM(views) as view_count FROM tableA WHERE condition=1 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE view_count=VALUES(view_count);
Note: ID on tableB is a primary key. There actually won't be any INSERTS because I know the key will exist. So it's all UPDATEs. Just using this statement to pass in a single query rather than multiple.
I'm really curious as to why either would be more efficient. Is it the number of queries that determines how quickly it will run? Where is the bottleneck? I'm looking for something that will scale (the number of rows being updated grows daily).
Any ideas?