



Hello. We're building this visual cue control to use with a RadTreeView control. The idea is that the visual cue should indicate the currently selected item, when clicking the VisualCue, it should bring up and show the selected item when the items parents are collapsed, or when the items get scrolled out of view. Basically, clicking it would expand the parent, and center the item in the screen.

It worked fine, until we virtualized it. With virtualization, all the RadTreeViewItems disappear from memory when they're out of view, so, when trying to find the selected RadTreeViewItem, it's a hassle since, the item does not exist, so up until now, we haven't found a way to get it, and bring it into view. When we try to get it, all we get is null. We've tried other solutions, but the closest we've ever been, is to bring the item 'close' to the view, that is, we still have to scroll a bit to actually see it.

Anyway, I've contacted telerik, and they haven't been able to help. Hopefully someone here has worked on something similar and will share their solution. Basically we need 2 things, the visual cue should handle the tree's virtualization and the tree should have a couple thousand items and 4 levels of hierarchy.

Here's a link for a support ticket I sent to telerik, it'll give you a lot of info, and you can download a test project there.

Telerik support ticket

I'm willing to give out a couple of my rep point to whoever solves this, we can discuss that once we get a working solution. I will not make a bounty because then the bounty system will automatically set the answer after 10 days and we really need to solve this. But once we get a working solution, I'll make the bounty and give the rep points to whoever solved the problem.
