




HI, I create the file upload with the address of multiple location and store into database,now I want the latitude & longitude information of each address,I create the script using the curl which get the latitude & longitude information from google.But I have data size 2000 records so script get crash after 50 records,there any why using the cron job anything that help me out.

Thanks In Advance


your not allowed to do that according to the end user license agreement, the lat long data can only be used by a google map and hence not just for storing in a database.

I know that doesn't address your technical problem, but you need to look at API/licence that lets you do that.

hi,Thanks but google allow upto 2500 records so we can do it.But thing is that one by one,any other way then please tell me have dream day
I know you can do it technically but that doesn't mean that the license allows you, you need each record needs to be associated with a map that is displayed. I am guessing you are not displaying all 2500 maps at a time on a screen and showing it to the user?