try this :
right click on your project "add new item" then choose "Site Map",
it will have an XML structure it will look like this :
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
< siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >
< siteMapNode url="~/Default.aspx" title="Home " description="">
< siteMapNode url="~/the page URL" title="Products" description="" >
< siteMapNode url="~/the page URL" title=" %product_name%" description="" >
< siteMapNode url="~/the page URL" title="Prices" description="" />
< /siteMapNode >
< /siteMapNode >
< /siteMapNode >
< sitemap>
** adding description for each node is optional.
now you need to place it where you want , so you add this code in the HTML side of the page:
< asp:SiteMapPath ID="SiteMapPath1" runat="server">
< CurrentNodeStyle CssClass="Some class" />
< PathSeparatorTemplate>
< img runat="server" alt="" src="an image to separate between nodes" height="5" width="5" />
< /PathSeparatorTemplate>
of course you have two pages , one for product , and one for prices.
to assign Tile dynamically for some node in the SiteMap add this code in the Prices Page:
1) in the page load :
SiteMap.SiteMapResolve += new SiteMapResolveEventHandler(SiteMap_SiteMapResolve);
2) add this function in the same page (prices page) :
SiteMapNode SiteMap_SiteMapResolve(object sender, SiteMapResolveEventArgs e)
SiteMapNode currentNode = SiteMap.CurrentNode.Clone(true);
SiteMapNode tempNode = currentNode;
tempNode.ParentNode.Title = "Change the Product name";
tempNode.ParentNode.Url = "Change the Product url";
return currentNode;
as you can see you can manipulated the parent Node as you want , change the title , the url , i think yo u want to change the url too , maybe "product.aspx?ID=blah"