I have an optimization problem I want to solve. You have some kind of data-structure:
data Foo =
{ fooA :: Int
, fooB :: Int
, fooC :: Int
, fooD :: Int
, fooE :: Int
and a rating function:
rateFoo :: myFoo -> Int
I have to optimize the result of rateFoo
by changing the values in the struct. In this specific case, I decided to use iterative deepening search to solve the problem. The (infinite) search tree for the best optimization is created by another function, which simply applies all possible changes recursivly to the tree:
fooTree :: Foo -> Tree
My searching function looks something like this:
optimize :: Int -> Foo -> Foo
optimize threshold foo = undefined
The question I had, before I start is this:
As the tree can be generated by the data at each point, is it possible to have only the parts of the tree generated, which are currently needed by the algorithm? Is it possible to have the memory freed and the tree regenerated if needed in order to save memory (A leave at level n can be generated in
and n remains small, but not small enough to have the whole tree in memory over time)?Is this something I can excpect from the runtime? Can the runtime unevaluate expressions (turn an evaluated expression into an unevaluated one)? Or what is the dirty hack I have to do for this?