We are using a custom protocol handler to connect to an embedded device across firewalls, NAT etc. The solution is called Nabto.
This works great - a plug-in on the user's computer handles requests to all nabto:// URIs and serves HTML pages with information about the current connections etc.
Now, we would like to access Nabto functionality from a regular web page. This is difficult with browsers enforcing the Same-Origin policy (e.g. our http page cannot communicate with the nabto page).
So far, I am trying to solve this using easyXDM by having a "proxy page" served by the nabto plug-in. This page is then allowed to launch nabto:// requests and can communicate the results back to the http page using easyXDM.
However, same-origin requests fail in Internet Explorer - even when both pages reside in the nabto://self domain. I get this error: image
Is this an error in Internet Explorer? Any idea how to solve it?
Thanks a lot,