



I am trying to add a code snippet and I want this code to appear in a region. So I tried something like this in the snippet file.

  <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
        Code Snippet for Region
      <Code Language="CSharp">
        #region MyRegion
        // Some Code

But when I use the code snippet rg, the region appears as expanded by default like this.

 - #region MyRegion
    // Some Code

Is there any way I can get this region as collapsed by default like this?

 + MyRegion

As far as I know, the insert sippet operation is treated like a normal copy and paste operation. Therefore, I would assume that it is not possible to insert a collapsed region. Especially, as it takes VS some time to recognize it as a region.

Quite possible as even some snippets proided by VS appears as expanded. But still I would like to know if it is possible by some means.
+1  A: 
#region $RegionName$
$selected$ $end$

You can try this and see if it works.

+1 for the useful info. But what I am looking for is that when I use the code snippet it should appear as collapsed.
See the edited question.
Are you saying you just want the region to be collapsed when you use it, I think by default regions are not collapsed, I think in VS2003 if you did #region "region name"Using quotes i think it collapsed the region by default.
@kyndigs: Yes I exactly want that. But typing the region name in "" doesn't serve the purpose for me.
I dont think it is possible then to define a region as collapsed. You could possibly find a way to execute a ctrl+m when you insert the snippet this auto collapses a parent region but its more of a hack than a solution.
I doubt even this can be done. Even if I find some way to get the functionality of Ctrl + M , where am I going to write this? I mean this code should execute every time I insert the code snippet. And I dont think any event gets fired for inserting a code snippet.