



Hi to all,

The brief is the following for all those who know galleriffic: I have a numeric value inside a rel attribute on the list of a tags that point to the images. I have managed to get this number and assocciate it with the imageData object that galleriffic uses to store the image info. What I cannot do is apply this value using .css() for example into the tag. I want to change the padding for each image individually so that I can have the following output: OR change the padding of the both have the same result

I cannot find where in the javascript code to call the following command to do this:


Here is a link to my example:


Hey ion,

after a quick look at your example-page and Galleriffic it seems like you could just add the option onSlideChange to your Galleriffic-initialization and add your function there.

onSlideChange: function() { $("#slideshow").css("top",imageData.padd+"px"); }

Maybe you will have to extract the padding out of the rel-tag within this function, but since you seem to know Galleriffic better than me, this should be no problem for you.
