I have one table that stores values with a point in time:
value DECIMAL,
datetime DATETIME
There may be many values on each day, there may also be only one value for a given day. Now I want to get the value for each day in a given timespan (e.g. one month) which is nearest to a given time of day. I only want to get one value per day if there are records for this day or no value if there are no records. My database is PostgreSQL. I'm quite stuck with that. I could just get all values in the timespan and select the nearest value for each day programmatically, but that would mean to pull a huge amount of data from the database, because there can be many values on one day.
To formulate it a bit more abstract: I have data of arbitrary precision (could be one minute, could be two hours or two days) and I want to convert it to a fixed precision of one day, with a specific time of day.
(second update)
This is the query from the accepted answer with correct postgresql type converstions, assuming the desired time is 16:00:
SELECT datetime, value FROM values, (
SELECT DATE(datetime) AS date, MIN(ABS(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIME '16:00' - CAST(datetime AS TIME)))) AS timediff
FROM values
GROUP BY DATE(datetime)
) AS besttimes
CAST(values.datetime AS TIME) BETWEEN TIME '16:00' - CAST(besttimes.timediff::text || ' seconds' AS INTERVAL)
AND TIME '16:00' + CAST(besttimes.timediff::text || ' seconds' AS INTERVAL)
AND DATE(values.datetime) = besttimes.date