




Can I put my "bin" folder with all of its .dll files at a higher level then the IIS Local Path/web root for the site? I need to keep my dll files in a directory outside of my project is this possible, I tried to use a virtual directory but .net seems to ignore it.

Can I use a virtual directory for my bin folder?

DUPLICATE: More info provided here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/375887/adding-net-code-to-a-classic-asp-website-cant-reference-namespaces-in-dll-file

+1  A: 

No, you cannot. Maybe the GAC will work.

John Sheehan
Yes the GAC was an option, the one problem there is it would complicate our deployment process. That would be my last resort option.
Agile Noob

This CH article outlines how to go about setting up the web.config to probe for multiple bins, maybe this could help:


this only supports subdirectories, not external ones http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/823z9h8w.aspx
John Sheehan
+1  A: 

You can. You will need to modify the config file for your application to probe the location:

  <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
    <probing privatePath="MyCoolNewPath/bin" />
probing.PrivatePath does not allow paths outside of the root ("Specifies application base subdirectories for the common language runtime to search when loading assemblies."), so they're not external
John Sheehan
I agree with John, would be great if you could just say <probing privatePath="../MyCoolNewPath/bin" />, but it doesn't work that way. This method is meant to give you the ability to override global libraries inside of the local folder. In other words this is the reverse of what I'm looking for.
Agile Noob
gotcha, thank you for the clarification.