Ok, in my app there are times when loading the DataGridView can take a minute or two. What I want to do is show a GIF in a form with no border until it reaches the end of the loading function. However, if I do:
Views.Loading ldw = new Views.Loading();
...it never actually draws it to the screen and I can't see it. If I do ShowDialog(), it shows the window but never gets past that line of code. I have a feeling it's because it's not a background worker or because the focus gets set back to the parent because of processing...I don't know.
My form is a blank form, added a picture box, added a gif to the picture box, and made FormBorderStyle = none. Any and all help is appreciated.
Update: Current (non-working) Code
private void InitializeBackgroundWorker()
//Defines the DoWork Event Handler for _backgroundWorker.
_bgWorkerReports.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bgWorkerReports_DoWork);
//Defines the RunWorkCompleted Event Handler for _backgroundWorker.
_bgWorkerReports.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bgWorkerReports_RunWorkerCompleted);
private void bgWorkerReports_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
string strFilter = "";
if (!_strSearchFilter.Equals(""))
strFilter += strFilter.Equals("") ? " " + _strSearchFilter : " and " + _strSearchFilter;
if (tvFigure.Nodes.Count > 0)
if (_strFigureFilter == "ALL")
strFilter += " " + Constants.GetColumnName("Figure") + " LIKE '%%' ";
else if (!_strFigureFilter.Equals("") && !_strFigureFilter.Equals(tvFigure.TopNode.Name))
if (_strSearchFilter.Equals("") || !cbCurrentFigure.Checked)
strFilter += strFilter.Equals("") ? " " + Constants.GetColumnName("Figure") + "='" + _strFigureFilter + "'" : " and " + Constants.GetColumnName("Figure") + "='" + _strFigureFilter + "'";
if (!_strIndentureFilter.Equals(""))
strFilter += strFilter.Equals("") ? " " + _strIndentureFilter : " and " + _strIndentureFilter;
if (!_strReportFilter.Equals(""))
strFilter += (!strFilter.Equals("") ? " and" : "") + " part_id in (" + _strReportFilter + ")";
if (strFilter.Length > 0)
BindingSource bSource = new BindingSource();
bSource.DataSource = _dataController.PopulateDataGrid(_nViewMode, strFilter).Tables[0];
//Set DataSource to bindingSource for DataGridView.
if (_lstValidationResults.Count > 0)
dgvParts.DataSource = _lstValidationResults;
foreach (DataGridViewColumn dc in dgvParts.Columns)
dc.DataPropertyName = "ErrorMessage";
dc.Visible = true;
dc.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Programmatic;
dc.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.ColumnHeader;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_strFigureFilter))
dgvParts.DataSource = bSource;
dgvParts.Columns[0].Visible = false;
dgvParts.Columns["Description"].Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.False;
dgvParts.Columns["Description"].Width = 750;
// Automatically resize the visible rows.
foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in dgvParts.Columns)
col.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
if (col.Name != "Description")
dgvParts.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.DisplayedCells;
// Hide the ToolTips for all the cells - redisplay if there is a report.
dgvParts.ShowCellToolTips = true;
// Set the dataGridView control's border.
dgvParts.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
// Get and set the ipb_number to the label.
string ipb_number = _dataController.IPBNumber;
catch (Exception ex)
private void bgWorkerReports_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; //Throws error (Cross-thread)
int nTotalCount = 0;
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in listView1.Items)
int nCount = _lstReportRecords.Where(rr => lvi.Text.Contains(rr.Description)).Count();
nTotalCount += nCount;
lvi.Text = (lvi.Text.Contains("(") ? lvi.Text.Substring(0, lvi.Text.IndexOf("(") + 1) : lvi.Text.Trim() + " (") + nCount.ToString() + ")";
rbAllReports.Text = (rbAllReports.Text.Contains("(") ? rbAllReports.Text.Substring(0, rbAllReports.Text.IndexOf("(") + 1) : rbAllReports.Text + " (") + nTotalCount.ToString() + ")";
int nTaggedCount = _lstReportRecords.Where(rr => rr.Description.Contains("Tagged")).Count();
rbTaggedRecords.Text = (rbTaggedRecords.Text.Contains("(") ? rbTaggedRecords.Text.Substring(0, rbTaggedRecords.Text.IndexOf("(") + 1) : rbTaggedRecords.Text + " (") + nTaggedCount.ToString() + ")";