Hi all. I have a database which has almost 300 tables, I've just come across with a problem that I've added almost 60 tables into my diagram. I can only view the entire page if I set the page zoom to %10 and it's not really useful. Anyone has any suggestions for the problem? I need to view the diagram which is able to view more useful way. If the suggestion will be one of the SQL Server 2008 built-in features I'd appreciate. Thanks.
For this situation I build several diagrams, each with logical subsets of tables. It is going to be easier to understand the schema with that many tables if you break it up.
On the other hand, if you are looking for the "wall of schema" and just want to make a big poster to impress people, I would use Visio to reverse engineer the schema. It provides a lot more options in terms of how the tables get layed out.
You can copy the whole diagram at zoom 100% and paste it as bitmap in any of your favorite image editors for further perusal. :)
create your diagrams that focus on a certain portion of your database.
create a new diagram, add only the existing tables to it for a certain area: orders, patients, etc. don't try to have an all inclusive diagram, unless you want to view small portions of it at one time.