I'm using gdiplus to "stroke" a textout. In certain circumstances, we see a "spike" appearing on the top or bottom of the graphic, and I'm not really sure why. We can minimize this by adjusting stroke width and font size, but thats not a good solution. I'm hoping someone can explain the problem to me.
And the code sample generating this 4, its outline, and the spike (unintentional)
GraphicsPath path(FillModeWinding);
path.AddString(text,wcslen(text),&fontFamily,StateInfo.TheFont.TheWeight,(REAL)minSize,PointF((REAL)ptStart.x, (REAL)ptStart.y),&sf);
// Draw the outline first
if (StateInfo.StrokeWidth > 0) {
Gdiplus::Color strokecolor(GetRValue(StateInfo.StrokeColor), GetGValue(StateInfo.StrokeColor), GetBValue(StateInfo.StrokeColor));
Pen pen(strokecolor,(REAL)StateInfo.StrokeWidth);
graphics.DrawPath(&pen, &path);
// Draw the text by filling the path
graphics.FillPath(&solidBrush, &path);