Does anybody know of a proc or script which will generate any row into an insert statement into the same table?
Basically, I'd like to call something like
exec RowToInsertStatement 'dbo.user', 45;
And the following code would be output
insert into dbo.MyTable( FirstName, LastName, Position)
values( 'John', 'MacIntyre', 'Software Consultant');
I realize I could
insert into dbo.MyTable
select * from dbo.MyTable where id=45;
But this obviously won't work, because the ID column will complain (I hope it complains) and there's no way to just override that one column without listing all columns, and in some tables there could be hundreds.
So, does anybody know of a proc that will write this simple insert for me?
EDIT 3:04: The purpose of this is so I can make a copy of the row, so after the INSERT is generated, I can modify it into something like
insert into dbo.MyTable( FirstName, LastName, Position)
values( 'Dave', 'Smith', 'Software Consultant');
.. no obviously this contrived example is so simple it doesn't make sense, but if you have a table with 60 columns, and all you need is to change 3 or 4 values, then it starts to be a hassle.
Does that make sense?