




I have a query that outputs results as follows:

Person   Food
======   ======
Abner    Apple
Beth     Banana
Beth     Peach
Carlos   Grape
Carlos   Kiwi
Carlos   Strawberry
. .      . .

Namely, it associates a person with one or more foods. I'd like the functionality of an aggregate function to choose a food, but none of the built-in aggregates (SUM, MAX, MIN,etc.) really applies to the situation.

If I have a function F() that, given a list of foods, either:

  1. provides an ordered list of foods based on some optimization
  2. provides the optimal unique choice from the list

is there any way I can apply a GROUP BY onto it directly?

Does anyone have an example of a query that does this some other way, in case this is a pipe dream?

= = = =

EDIT: Let's say that out of the options shown above, the optimal list is {Kiwi, Grape, Banana, Strawberry, Apple, Peach}, then the output should say:

Abner   Apple
Beth    Banana
Carlos  Kiwi

i.e., one record per Person, and the Food for each is the first occurrence in the optimal list of a Food associated to that Person in the original table.


You mean, you want to concatenate those foods?

Try this:

select p.Person, stuff((select ', ' + f.Food [text()] from Food f where f.PersonId = p.Id order by f.Food for xml path('')),1,2,'') [Foods]
from Person p
Denis Valeev
You might want to throw in a `distinct` keyword in the subquery to return distinct "foods".
Denis Valeev

You could go without group by with this:

SELECT DISTINCT Person, F(Person) AS FoodFunction FROM TableName

You'd have to change the function F() so that it takes person (not food list) and get the food list through:

SELECT Food FROM TableName
WHERE Person = @Person
Ivan Ferić
+2  A: 
SELECT DISTINCT t.Person, f.Food FROM MyTable AS t
SELECT TOP 1 Food FROM MyTable AS t1 WHERE t.Person = t1.Person
ORDER BY <your method of rating and choosing goes here>
) AS f
I think the OP would also want to return the Food associated with each Person?
Joe Stefanelli
@Joe Stefanelli : you right, I edited my answer, thanks!
Using CROSS APPLY is very likely part of a good soolution, but in my opinion this answer is quite a bit too rough to be of much use to the questioner. Is he seriously going to stick his F() function in the ORDER BY clause?
I've adapted this solution to my requirement, with a user-defined function that generates a value for each food, and ordering by that value. It's not *entirely* to my liking, but I can work with it. However, is the CROSS APPLY usable in generic SQL, or it is specific to SQL Server?
@taserian: I don't know if CROSS APPLY is used in other flavors of SQL. Maybe it is a SQL Server thing.
+1  A: 

Please note that in my queries here you can replace the OptimalFood table with your F() rowset-returning function (if I'm understanding correctly).

WITH PersonFood (Name, Food) AS (
   SELECT 'Abner', 'Apple'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Beth', 'Banana'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Beth', 'Peach'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Carlos', 'Grape'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Carlos', 'Kiwi'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Carlos', 'Strawberry'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Delilah', 'Passionfruit'
), OptimalFood (Priority, Food) AS (
   SELECT 1, 'Kiwi'
   UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'Grape'
   UNION ALL SELECT 3, 'Banana'
   UNION ALL SELECT 4, 'Strawberry'
   UNION ALL SELECT 5, 'Apple'
   UNION ALL SELECT 6, 'Peach'
), Choices AS (
      Selector = Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY F.Name ORDER BY Coalesce(O.Priority, 2147483647)),
      Food = Coalesce(O.Food, '<None>')
      PersonFood F
      LEFT JOIN OptimalFood O ON F.Food = O.Food
FROM Choices
WHERE Selector = 1;

If you have a table with all the people listed once already, this may be a better way:

WITH PersonFood (Name, Food) AS (
   SELECT 'Abner', 'Apple'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Beth', 'Banana'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Beth', 'Peach'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Carlos', 'Grape'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Carlos', 'Kiwi'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Carlos', 'Strawberry'
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Delilah', 'Passionfruit'
), OptimalFood (Priority, Food) AS (
   SELECT 1, 'Kiwi'
   UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'Grape'
   UNION ALL SELECT 3, 'Banana'
   UNION ALL SELECT 4, 'Strawberry'
   UNION ALL SELECT 5, 'Apple'
   UNION ALL SELECT 6, 'Peach'
), Person AS (
   Food = Coalesce(X.Food, '<None>')
   Person P
      SELECT TOP 1 O.Food
         PersonFood F
         INNER JOIN OptimalFood O ON F.Food = O.Food
      WHERE P.Name = F.Name
      ORDER BY O.Priority
   ) X;

I would expect that in all these cases you're actually using numeric keys rather than varchar strings. I would hope. :)

The amount of thought put into answering this question deserves +1.
Denis Valeev
Thanks, Denis. It really didn't take that long. If Microsoft would give us the First() and Last() aggregate operators like Access has, these queries would be a snap! See [FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE enhancement request on Microsot Connect].(https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/254395/over-clause-enhancement-request-first-value-last-value-functions)