



What's the correct way to durably rename a file in a POSIX file system? Specifically wondering about fsyncs on the directories.

Note: there are other questions on StackOverflow about durable renames, but AFAICT they don't address fsync-ing the directories (which is what matters to me - I'm not even modifying file data).

I currently have (in Python):

dstdirfd = open(dstdirpath, O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY)
rename(srcdirpath + '/' + filename, dstdirpath + '/' + filename)

Specific questions:

  • Does this also implicitly fsync the source directory? Or might I end up with the file showing up in both directories after a power cycle (meaning I'd have to check the hard link count and manually perform recovery), i.e. it's impossible to guarantee a durably atomic move operation?
  • If I fsync the source directory instead of the destination directory, will that also implicitly fsync the destination directory?
  • Are there any useful related testing/debugging/learning tools (fault injectors, introspection tools, mock filesystems, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.