I have a Silverlight UserControl, and it contains a StackPanel which, in turn, contains some UserControls in it. I would like to be able to determine when the user clicks/tabs outside of the outermost StackPanel (i.e. when the StackPanel loses focus), and I would like to be able to handle it from inside my UserControl. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might accomplish that?
When one of the components lost focus, I tried dispatching a thread that would look to see if any controls within the main UserControl gained focus next, which would then tell me if I'm still inside my control. Trouble is, I was already on the UI thread, so the Dispatcher executed my action immediately, while I was still in the process of handling LostFocus. So, this didn't work.
Something else I tried involved using the FocusManager and determining if the control with focus was a child of my StackPanel. This didn't work because GetFocusedElement() returned the element whose focus I was in the process of losing.
Does anyone have any other ideas? Any help is appreciated.