




I am trying to create a dialog box for my Facebook IFRAME application which I then can close programmatically via Javascript. I cannot create the dialog via a Javascript library such as jQuery because I need to embed a particular FBML tag within the dialog.

Approach 1: Via the current Javascript SDK. This doesn't provide me with any way to close it except by clicking the X button.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var content = .... // my fbml content
    var dialog = {
                display: 'dialog',
                fbml: content, 

Approach 2: Via XFBML and a whole lot of divs and css to imitate a FB dialog box. However, I can't seem to add Javascript inside the serverfbml tags which means there's no way to programmatically show or hide it.

   <script type="text/fbml">
      <div> .... </div>

Are there any approaches that can possibly create such a dialog box?

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