



I have to do some interviewing for mid-level Software Engineer positions and our team uses ASP.NET MVC. Some candidates have experience with the technology and others do not. For the ones that do, we'd like to gauge their expertise. We have come up with some of our own questions, but thought the community might have some good perspectives.


Routes. Explanation of how they work.

Describe Custom Model Binders.

How would you organise a project using areas, partial views etc.

What sites are there that use ASP.Net-MVC?

"What sites use MVC?" How do you know? SO and NerdDinner are the only two that advertise. I went to a decent MVC presentation and the presenter, who obviously knew MVC, couldn't even name SO.
@jfar, SO and Australian Unity use it in places. i know coz i worked there. but SO would be the big ticket item at this point obviously.
@jfar, it's a bit of a worry when you can't name SO as an MVC site when you are giving a professional presentation huh?
@griegs - The rest of the presentation was mostly spot on. Remember we have a different perspective because we are active SO users. The rest of the programming world is aware of SO but doesn't understand its history. Do you work with WCF? Name a site that uses WCF? What about MEF? Do you know a site that uses that? How about NHibernate? Entity Framework?
@jfar, actually i make it my business to know who is using what. And I do that through my peer group. I can answer each of those questions even though it's a limited perspective but i take your point i guess.

I would ask some questions about the ASP.NET MVC Pipeline. Steve Sanderson has a good "cheat sheet".

Chris Missal
+3  A: 

Ask why they would choose to use ASP.NET MVC over traditional webforms? This could lead to a number of great discussion points to see if they know what they are talking about. Testability, separation of concerns, etc.

Perfect question!
Matthew Kubicina
+1  A: 

What are the extension points of ASP.NET MVC?

Which one have you used and why?

I would not expect anybody to know all, but ActionFilter, ModelBinder and HtmlHelper should be in the list.

Malcolm Frexner
+2  A: 

Ask them what they dislike about ASP.NET MVC. This will reveal how much real work they've done with it (if any), and will also show how much depth they have (familiarity with other frameworks/paradigms, etc). If they don't have much to say, they probably don't have a lot of real experience.

Sean Devlin