




Hi, According to MSDN, WM_SIZE should be sent to window when window is minimized or restored. But my application window, which is WTL CDialogImpl never get WM_SIZE when minimize or restore.

I use spy++ to check on it, I can get WM_SYSCOMMAND, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANING, WM_ACTIVE, WM_ACTIVEAPP etc, but no WM_SIZE.

I checked some other WTL example application, I'm able to get WM_SIZE msg when minimize or restore.

My question is why my WTL CDialogImpl window doesn't receive WM_SIZE? Besides this, is there any other message to indicate the restore or minimize finish? I mean, in system, most of time, there is animation to show the minimize/restore process. I need a message or event to let app know the animation is done when restore.


William L.