hi i want to know that is is possible to make primarykey in one table in mysql. if yes please tell me the concept behind this. because i have seen a table in which two primary key is there with no auto increment set
[...] A table can have only one PRIMARY KEY. [...]
you can only have 1 primary key, but:
- you can combine more than one column to be the primary key (maybe it's this what you have seen)
- the primary key don't needs to be an auto-increment, it just has to be unique
- you can add more than one index to one or more colums to speed up SELECT-statements (but slow down INSERT / UPDATE)
- those indexes can be marked as unique, wich means they don't let you insert a second row with the same content in the index-fields (just like a primary key)
You can use multiple columns for your primary key in this way:
( field1 INT(11)
, field2 INT(11)
, field3 VARCHAR(5)
, field4 BLOB
, PRIMARY KEY (field2, field1, field3) <====
No, but you can have other UNIQUE indexes on the table, in addition to the PRIMARY KEY. UNIQUE + NOT NULL is basically the same as a primary key.
What you have seen is probably a composite primary key (more than one column making up the unique key).
A table can have a single PRIMARY key, which may consist of one or more columns. A table can also have a number of additional keys defined on it, as UNIQUE KEY constraints.
It's not clear from your description whether you were looking at a table with multiple keys defined, or a table with a multi-column PRIMARY KEY.
Use a Composite Primary Key...
first_id int unsigned not null,
second_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
user_id int unsigned not null,
desc text not null,
PRIMARY KEY(first_id, second_id));
Also, check out the example here