




I have a list of method that I would like to call in a specific order. Therefore I would want to store them either in an ordered list or in a table with a specified index. This way the list would be the only thing to change the day we want to change the call order.

I found this article explaining how to do it using an array and delegates. But I read in the comments and some other places that it could also be done using a Dictionary and or LinQ. Any advices ?

+9  A: 

You can define Action objects, which are parameterless delegates that return void. Each action is a pointer to a method.

// Declare the list
List<Action> actions = new List<Action>();

// Add two delegates to the list that point to 'SomeMethod' and 'SomeMethod2'
actions.Add( ()=> SomeClass.SomeMethod(param1) );
actions.Add( ()=> OtherClass.SomeMethod2() );

// Later on, you can walk through these pointers
foreach(var action in actions)
    // And execute the method
Jan Jongboom
You can omit Invoke() btw, just call action()
Everything is ok but Queue is much more suitable for the OP's task rather than List, imo. Isn't it?
Don't think so. It's just a static list, no need for queue'ing or dequeue'ing tasks, as they won't change dynamically. He might want to re-run the batch a couple of times etc.
Jan Jongboom

I would advise to look at Command pattern. Hope it 's what you lookng for.

+2  A: 

Why don't you consider using a Queue it's FIFO , store delegates in Queue and when you call Dequeue it will call your methods in a specified manner.

What about using Multicast Delegate , it stores delegates in a LinkList, so when you call Invoke() , it will be called in a specified manner.

+2  A: 

How about a Queue<Action> ?

var queue = new Queue<Action>();

queue.Enqueue(() => foo());
queue.Enqueue(() => bar());

while(queue.Count != 0)
    Action action = queue.Dequeue();

You could use List<> which would fit your need pretty well:

delegate void MyFunction(...);
List<MyFunction> delegateList;

If your delegate returns void, you can use event. Multiple delegates can be added to a single event invocation list and will be called in the order they were added.

delegate void MyEvent(...);
event MyEventEventHandler MyEvent;

Dictionary order is undefined and it's meant to make a lookup.
