



I tried giving cvCreateCameraCapture an URL of the camera viewing on internet. However, I can't get any video playing.

I am writing in C language.


No, we can't. OpenCV is not made for that purpose.


Initializes capturing video from camera

CvCapture* cvCreateCameraCapture( int index );

index Index of the camera to be used. If there is only one camera or it does not matter what camera to use -1 may be passed.

The function cvCreateCameraCapture allocates and initialized the CvCapture structure for reading a video stream from the camera.

Check the documentation.

I read through it again. Yes, no wonder I find for two days yet I can't find any sample using OpenCV for this purpose.
Eryn Ng
However, do you have any recommendation, what library I can use to get live video stream on my iphone directly from the network camera
Eryn Ng
Also, there's a bunch of questions like yours, pick one:

I checked all the posts, but they all need an additional software in order to stream. None of the library from C or Objective C that I can use to have direct access to an IP camera?

Another issue is the IP camera I used is D-Link DCS-910, it support MJPEG and RTSP. We can view the camera video on internet after port forwarding and apply for a DDNS hostname. However, this web view only support Java and Active X which both not supported by iPhone.

I know that we can stream media data, but I just can't find any sample or tutorial for this. How can I get direct video from IP camera without relying on a third party software?

Eryn Ng