Hi everybody,
I am trying to implement a very basic before advice with Spring.Net, that just prints some information to the console. Here is the relevant part of the spring config:
<!-- Before Advice: Method Logging -->
<object id="methodLoggingBeforeAdvice"
type="Ch.Test.AddressBook.Common.Advice.MethodLoggingBeforeAdvice" />
<!-- Program Proxy w/ Advice Applied -->
<object id="programProxy"
<property name="target" ref="programProxyTarget" />
<property name="interceptorNames">
<!-- Target, which the advice is applied to -->
<object id="programProxyTarget"
<constructor-arg ref="repository"/>
Here is the advice:
public class MethodLoggingBeforeAdvice : IMethodBeforeAdvice
public void Before(MethodInfo method, Object[] args, Object target)
// Log method start
"MethodLoggingBeforeAdvice: Entering method '"
+ method.Name + "'");
// Log method arguments
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
Console.Out.WriteLine("MethodLoggingBeforeAdvice: Argument " + (i + 1)
+ " - " + args[0].ToString());
Everything builds fine, the application is running, the Program class gets instantiated and methods are called, but there is not output from the advice. I can't seem to figure out why... Thanks in advance!