



Hi, What I use rails form helpers to build a form, input elements in that form have id attributes so they can match with their labels. The problem is this id is the something like person_first_name and not person_first_name_#{} meaning if I have more than one form of the same type on the same page unexpected things can happen.

A perfect example of this is using jquery-ui datepicker. I have a series of forms all containing a text_field element wrapped in a div with the class datepicker. I apply the datepicker like this (in document ready) $('.datepicker input').datepicker(options) and guess what, every one of these elements, although has a seemingly working datepicker (click on input, datepicker appears), although when a date is selected in any of these datepickers only the first element on the page (of that element type, ex. input id=published_on) gets updated with the value.

Any suggestions on getting rails to output more unique element id's or make datepicker not use the id attribute?


You can easily customize the id of your input.

text_field(:person, :first_name, :id => "person_first_name_#{}")
Thanks, this worked. I would like a cleaner solution though as this breaks the label functionality (rails doesn't detect the inputs new id, so the label's :for attr is still "person_first_name" and not "person_first_name_#{}").
You can do: label(:person, : first_name, "First Name", :value => # => <label for="person_first_name_4">First name</label>