



Is there a way to use a wildcard in a javascript bookmarklet?

For example, I have this:

javascript:(function(){var b=document.getElementsByName('send');for(var j=0;j<b.length;j++){if(b[j].value.match(/^Send Pattarapim a Thank you gift$/i)){b[j].click();break;}}})()

That worked great when the item was for "Pattarapim". But that "name" will change each time. Could I do anything to make that JS work regardless of what was in place of Pattarapim?

Thank You!


You can change the regex from

/^Send Pattarapim a Thank you gift$/i


/^Send .* a Thank you gift$/i

The . means "match any character here", and the * following it means "match zero or more of the preceding thing". So combined they mean, "match zero or more of any character here." (Or you might use + instead of *; + means "match one or more".) Note that that may be too broad, it depends on the text you'll be processing, but since you're starting with a ^, that tends to anchor it a bit and it'll probably be fine.

T.J. Crowder
I would just make that lazy instead of greedy, not that it is likely to make a difference in this case.
@NullUserException: Yeah, maybe, although since he's anchoring the beginning and end, let's just say it would be a very odd name indeed. :-) @Michael: To make it lazy, just put a `?` after the `*` or `+`.
T.J. Crowder
Working perfectly. Thank you!

If the user will know what name to match, then you can use the prompt() command to get the name from the user, and then build your regex dynamically:

javascript:(function(){var name=prompt("Name to find:","");var b=document.getElementsByName('send');for(var j=0;j<b.length;j++){if(b[j].value.match(new RegExp("^Send " + name + " a Thank you gift$","i"))){b[j].click();break;}}})()